サイトウのタグが付いたイラスト。 222ページ目

6716 件


ポケモン ソード シールド、ジムは8つ。ソード限定ジムリーダー「サイトウ」と、シールド限定ジムリーダー「オニオン」も公開 https://t.co/KS91Xv33xH

731 1112

Yo She posing like she’s in Danganronpa

I’m screaming-

1 2

The Pokémon Company has pulled back the curtain on some new details for Sword and Shield! Each version will have some exclusive gym leaders in addition to exclusive Pokémon.

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17 17


0 1

★画像追加→『ポケモン剣盾』新ポケモン&キャラ公開 新現象「キョダイマックス」の内容も(写真 全33枚)

55 118

I drew this as fast as possible
is looks like shit but al least im one of the first who drew art of her

0 0

Is it bad that despite her personality being stoic I just want her to carry me around and praise me until I’m a flustered mess

0 1

"Mom said it's my turn on the Xbox"

2 2

Mit Saida und Nio sind zwei neue versionsexklusive Arenaleiter bekannt geworden! Wir haben unsere Arenen-Übersicht entsprechend aktualisiert. https://t.co/VGhWRqniQr

3 24

So Bea looks like the kind of woman that will pin you down into a submission hold, break your bones and call it a warm up.

11 69


0 1

Say what you want about Sword and Shield, but these gym leader designs do 👏🏻 NOT 👏🏻 mess 👏🏻 around 👏🏻

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이번 포켓몬 여캐들 진짜 멋진데 말이죠.

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yall shes doing the danganronpa thing

0 5

Bea can literally cut diamonds holy moly

58 386

Certaines villes auront des arènes différentes selon que vous jouez dans Pokémon Épée ou Bouclier.

Dans Pokémon Épée, vous affronterez Faïza, une spécialiste des Pokémon de type Combat.

Vrai prodige du karaté, elle perpétue les traditions et techniques ancestrales de sa famille

26 67