

Adult, usually inactive, dumbass furry, learning pixel artist, local internet idiot.

I'm alot of things.

PFP by me. Any pronouns.

フォロー数:491 フォロワー数:62





Space is so calming...

Just something small, nothing big. :)
Except space... space is very big...

2 4

Slight Kaylo redesign!!!

Not much of a redesign, in all honesty, just a few colour changes and that's it. :)

Think the outfit fits much more, tho, with the rest of the colouring!

2 9

"Pleasure meeting you! My name's Dover, but you may or not already know, huh..."

I made Dover now! Funni red bork bork woof doggo. Idfk.

2 6

Here's a blank one, incase anyone wants to use it for whatever reason-

0 0

Right, so, you know my character, Kine. Know 'em very well, I'm sure.

I've been looking at 'em and thinking that they look the tiniest bit bland, and maybe add something to make it more interesting, at least...?

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