

フォロー数:4618 フォロワー数:9444

Welp, guess what's gonna happen then, not right now of course, and I'd have to change it up a bit, but I hope people will like it.

4 39

Izumi 2.1 will be made public when this outfit is done, however don't expect much because this is just a lounging outfit, so by nature it is rather simple, I only added shoes instead of slippers so it can double as an outfit for workouts, the one after this one however...
ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ

0 6

One more change that will have some effects on some of my old motions.

Izumi's entire model has been moved 0.3 units backwards, easy to make corrections if needed but just in case I already made adjustments to the most recent animations.

2 31

Well some parts of this outfit are gonna be semi-transparent similar to this pic, but yeah they are still optional

0 10

( ̄_ ̄)・・・
Babydoll vs Corset
I wonder...
Vote bellow

6 44

Next month???
┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌

5 75

Tengo en mente hacer este pero voy a hacer otro the short the mezclilla primero, a ver si alcanzo a hacer los dos este año

0 8

Time for a new look

2 17

( T ʖ̯ T)( T ʖ̯ T) Ok time is up, trying to find an artist ended in complete failure, no biggy, time to dive into my reference folder with over 120k files and frankenstein something, but first...

0 2

aaah I see now, what I was thinking was something like this

0 1