

(👁️ ͜ 👁️)

フォロー数:259 フォロワー数:1065


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Custom Build: HGBD:R Marsfour Rose Gundam.

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Shaman King manga series (Kang Zeng Bang/Complete Collection) berakhir di tahun 2009 (original run tanpa true ending berakhir di tahun 2004).

Tapi sebenernya ceritanya masih punya kelanjutan, bahkan beberapa spin-offs masih berjalan sampai sekarang.

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Custom build: Figure-rise Standard Tekkadan's Fumina Hoshino. [2]

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Custom build: Figure-rise Standard Tekkadan's Fumina Hoshino. [1]

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1. HGBD:R 1/144 Mercuone Gundam Phantom (custom build).

• The base kit (HG Mercuone) was a birthday present from my best friend at and (love you, ler).
• All customized gimmicks are working properly.
• The best Mercuone custom in the world.

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2. HGBD Mobile Doll Yuuko (custom build).

• My first REAL full-painted custom kit (I usually didn't paint the joint parts).
• Managed to push me to go beyond my limits.
• Turned out better than I expected.
• Approved by Yuuko's IP owner (super important!)

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Dan beginilah hasil akhirnya yang komplit dengan aksesoris. Siap membelek-belek kamu dan mencuri hatimu (literally).

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