

29, black, he/him, straight(?) Character Designer // Author // YouTuber // Freelance Journalist This is my personal page now. enjoy the carnage :D

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Gor finds out that Jane has mjolnir and kidnaps the children of Asgard, telling her to go to the edge of eternity. She can’t because she doesn’t know how to use Bifrost. So she and Valkyrie reach out to Njord, god of sea who hates the Asgards but agrees to help for Jane.

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It’s already happened but they’re doing another one soon: Devil May Cry.

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Look at that; I’m A ACTUALLY prepared🥹

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Okay but here’s my hope he does: the Hood. A regular street criminal turned sorcerer of evil; still trying to do what he can for his wife and kid.

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For those wondering about the panels

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DCEU's future Vs Literally any other universe

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Or, and here me out, we use the ACTUAL black Supermen instead

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Because I’d rather have Superman media that’s a little more experimental

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