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The Hearthstone Battlegrounds Rise of the Naga season kick offs today with the new Spellcraft keyword, exciting minion pool updates and even Queen Azshara herself!! ✨👑✨
Here's what to expect 👉 https://t.co/MM3IamjnI4
#Hearthstone #HearthstoneBattlegrounds
"Buddies are rotating out to make room for Naga."
In an interview with Kripp, @DCalkosz revealed that
#HearthstoneBattlegrounds will get the Spellcraft keyword and Queen Azshara! Meanwhile, Battlegrounds Buddies will rotate out.
📜Details: https://t.co/fnjSSuKwgc
Wrathion's inner conflict in terms of his desires to lead a renewed black dragon flight versus the doubts he has due to his origins and the legacy of his father will be a part of World of Warcraft #Dragonflight, according to @WatcherDev.
#WorldOfWarcraft #Wrathion
Did someone say... DRAGONS??! 🐉✨✨
World of Warcraft Dragonflight is the next expansion!! It will feature new zones, Dracthyr Evoker, Dragonriding, talent plus profession updates and more!
📜 Details in my latest for @Upcomer: https://t.co/GvHSqbZBLp
#Dragonflight #Warcraft
#Hearthstone Battlegrounds will get exclusive heroes skins like Chained Kael'thas!! 🔥🔥
SMITE’s newest goddess, Tiamat, is now live! ⚡ Tiamat is the first character of #SMITE's Babylonian pantheon and her unique gameplay features allow her to have two stances. Read more in my latest article: https://t.co/hQyRKN3xAl @SMITEGame @HiRezStudios #GoddessOfTheSaltSea
BlizzConline has announced #HearthstoneMercenaries, the #ForgedInTheBarrens expansion and a bunch of card updates! 🔥 More details in my latest article for @DailyEsportsGG here: https://t.co/GWyPqTgORv #BlizzConline #Hearthstone #GamingNews #Gaming @PlayHearthstone
gul'dan, khadgar, and a love for mana strudels