

Finnish crafts education teacher ❣️ 'Ihana ja sitkeä nuori nainen' ❣️ she/her❣️shitposter 😎😎😎

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Miku 85% valmiina ja kohta on pakko aloittaa ompelemaan Fumia 😎 tässon tosiaan mun Tracon lineup

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Even though this Cosplay won't propably make it to Nekocon I still make as many parts ready today as I can, because then the Cosplay will be ready for Tracon. It is this Miku that I got the figure of.

But I have taken the colors from the drawing and not the figure.

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Here we gooo

Im so happy that nowadays I am able to make a pretty accuraye picrew of myself most of the time bcs I have grown out my bangs 😎✌️

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Lol my desu lineup sure evolved w a whole New Cosplay just today.

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Cosplay pics w these are wild

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Before covid vs now

This does not do justice to the amount of dark and poofy undereyes I have developed. (and dont worry I am not an alcoholic :D)

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I do commissions ranging from personalized avatars to full on bigger pieces!

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