

May the power protect you; 32, ✝️, Writer, Falcom, Ninty, DB(Z), DR, FF, Musou, Muv-Luv, SMT, FE, LotR, Uta, Type-Moon verse etc. Espeon: @Nana_Rayne ♡

フォロー数:1820 フォロワー数:658



Welcome to the crew Pikachu.

2 14

I know it's the goofiest Guilty Gear but i'd legitimately be excited if Isuka got rollback sometime.

Just because of it's 4 player madness. It'd be a fun messing around time with friends again like it was back in the day.

This was my first Guilty Gear lmao, oddest introduction.

0 0

If this isn't considered "casual" clothing in 2035 we have failed as a society.

2 7

Thank you Mori for one of the wildest rides in fighting game history.

And for one of my favorite fighting game protags who stands next to Terry Bogard for me in those favorites.

0 5

Zale the first one is better at it since he's from a more fishing oriented area in Johto

Naomi just picked up what she could during her contest trips through Hoenn

0 1

I know waking up to folks has been a staple of the past few FEs but I couldn't help but do this.

0 8

I forgot that Mewtwo got a literal DBZ power aura in Mewtwo Returns.

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