🕯Bean🕯🔥 Average Candle Gal 🔥さんのプロフィール画像

🕯Bean🕯🔥 Average Candle Gal 🔥さんのイラストまとめ

🕯A guiding light~
♡ she/her
♡ 🔞18+
♡ baja blast plz
♡ Instagram: averagebean_
♡ For Extra Spice: @BeanNoods

フォロー数:200 フォロワー数:273



There’s something green festering inside me

It’s not great, but whenever I’ve been down I worked on this.

0 26

Mess with a flame and you’ll get burned

4 27

👉👈 I also wanted to do the picrew maker

I don't actually look that cool irl tho

0 13

Reposting this because I’m still quite proud with how it turned out.

And maybe you’ll enjoy the little bit of lore I have?

Maybe, just maybe…

6 40