

Gabs - 29 - She/Her/They/Them/It - Ace - Single - No RP - Occasionally does chonk art - 🔞 - Semi-open DMs - On Discord and Telegram

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:2661

NGL I kinda really love this man already and want to do so much with him 👀💦

3 77

A commission for of their OC, Dorian!

16 93

A commission for of their OC, Oscar!

16 130



Closed within about half a day, thank you all so much! 😳💜
Depending on this batch of commissions go, I may reopen again, so keep your eyes open in the future!

0 8

Oh shoot I'm actually doing commissions now?

Trialing commission work, mainly just to see how I hold up/interest. There'll be a limited number of slots available!

9 55

I don't normally do this kind of body shape, but I was in the mood and doodled a bit. It seemed fitting enough to make Kai, my chunk rich boy OC, the subject of one of the doodles~

37 235



