

30 year old French Canadian dude who likes drawing, video games, music, traveling and odd things! Other sites I'm on are here:

フォロー数:73 フォロワー数:54

Update: Although I lost and my dad gave me a couple of mercy shots, I actually did some decent hits on a couple of holes and our score wasn't as much of a landslide as I though it would be (he got 41 and I got 48). For a total beginner like me, I'd say this ain't too bad!

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At long last, my first Metroid game beaten with 100%! Hands down my favorite 2D Metroid. I loved everything about it, and I absolutely recommend this one. I'll definitely check out the Prime series at some point, but for now I'll take a little break from Metroid. This was fun!

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About goddamn time I beat this legendary game! And with a good item % too! Absolutely shocking I never played this game for so long until recently. Truly deserving of all the praises that it gets, even though I do still have a few gripes with it. Next up: Zero Mission!

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Been playing an Amiga abandonware game for a thing my online friends are doing, and so far it's actually not half bad for a platformer. I'll try to make a video on it cause it's kinda interesting. In the meantime, have this screenshot as a preview!

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Got tagged by for an art train, so here's a small sample of my work. Don't really know any other artists friends to tag, so I'll just leave it at that.

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Since the Metal Slug character select screen is relevant again, might as well repost this silly old drawing I did way back in 2016.

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Pretty surreal NSFW drawing I made. Really like how it turned out!

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I have found the perfect flag for my island.

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Decided to redraw an OC I did 8 years ago. Man, time sure flies by!

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