

digital artist | LGBTQ+ rights | don't repost my work without permission | Support is appreciated! | NO AI, NO NFTS…

フォロー数:665 フォロワー数:76

why do I post to twitter

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I did not post this on Twitter.
I am now posting this on Twitter.

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Alternatively, in the category of favorite character that nobody's heard of:

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I was questioning whether I'd even post this but I figured even if it's not amazing you'd still get a kick out of it anyway
Point is I drew the game changing moment of the simpleflips 50 turn Mario party video

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Look I drew something
It's 's Shantae!

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Onsta do not put lava lamps in your eyes they are only good for your eyesight if you eat them


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"post 4 characters you relate to and let people assume something about you baed on them"

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