

2D and 3D artist/animator at @dillongoostudio.
Any pronoun is fine. ★
Black Lives Matter.

フォロー数:905 フォロワー数:3725
# b3d bnpr

I'm making a webcomic maybe, here's the protag. She's great and I hope nothing terrible happens to her.

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Did a chara design thing too

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Hey twitter, I've designed this new character for a personal project.
Based on this design, what do you think her deal is?
Like what's her story, what does she do?

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So I've made some designs for a personal project.
I wanted to remake the "YinYang" animation and actually finish it!

0 23

Interesting, the way you mixed the vectors. Thanks!
For my shader, I use the tangent node with the UV map as the controller, then a fresnel node. It gives me a horizontal line (UV-wise) that I multiply with my hair texture.

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