

Your characters live forever here. Not just in daydreams.

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Meet Meiara! 🌟

A wanderer just looking for something to keep her going. She has lived a long life and is tired of survival.

Created by: @ OmniscientGoo_
Featured by: @ Hollow

Click here for Meiara's full character profile →

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Meet Worm! 🌟


Created by: @ SunriseMax
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Click here for Worm's full character profile ->

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Meet Fyre Sadowski! 🌟

Fyre Sadowski (previously 'Dawn') is a successful author, screen writer, and director who resides in Manhattan.

Created by: @ Uninter3sting
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Fyre's full character profile ->

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Meet Lulu! 🌟

Lulu at least puts on a smile through the chaos of her strange life, finding joy in every new concept she discovers.

Created by: @ Oziach
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Meet Lirio Baquiran! 🌟

Lirio Baquiran has lived for more than 300 years, serving generations of royalty and single-handedly decimating armies as the "Imperishable Knight".

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Meet Cyril Casiano! 🌟

Overseer of a sinking ward. Prisoner of "GRAND WALL," the prison-city of Perla.

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Meet Tempest! 🌟

Tempest is a highly wanted pirate enjoying tenuous freedom of movement due to Rosalie's reputation and protection.

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Meet Jubilee! 🌟

Jubilee is a 17 year old inkling from Inkopolis Square! She's a bit of a goofball and always one to see the good in any sort of situation.

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Meet Katoru "Kagi" Miyake! 🌟

Kagi lived with her grandparents for most of her childhood. Because of the generation gap, their grandparents were out of touch with what Kagi wanted to do in life.

Created by: @ Poundcaked
Featured by: @ svidemic

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Meet Mari Oshiro!✨

"Mari was convinced that she would study an art-related field in college. As for specifics, particularly "Something that would make people smile!"

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Featured by @ doraverinaspixel

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