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Tras darle un par de vueltas, he decidido rediseñar un poco el arma, para darle un aspecto más "Overwatch". De momento así va la cosa:

I decided to redesign the weapon a little bit to give it a more familiar and better "Overwatch look". This is how it's going by now:

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¿Qué os parece la mirilla que le he añadido al arma? Es un guiño a Sobek. Dado que el cañón pertenece a Pharah, optamos por añadirle toques egipcios.

The scope of the weapon is a reference to Sobek. It's going to belong to Pharah, so we had to add some Egyptian touches to it.

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Just........ eight more hands. Almost there......
Anyway, here's some pics of the progress. Im back from holydays, so expect more updates in the following days. (Hope i can finish this one before September ends).

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Asura's Wrath sequel lookin' neat! Starting the first project of my portfolio list!

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