

Former MH nerd being dragged from the grave…

フォロー数:48 フォロワー数:2160

The evolution of Nargacuga's monster icon.

1st - FU
2nd - P3rd/3U/Gen/GU
3rd - MHStories
4th - MHWI

72 368

The evolution of Tigrex's monster icon.

1st - F2/FU
2nd - P3rd
3rd - 4/4U/Gen/GU
4th - MHWI

114 597

Rathalos, 15 years later

109 343

Side by side comparison of Harudomerugu and Zenith Harudomerugu from Frontier, which releases in just 2 days.

18 129

Some screenshots of Zenith Harudomerugu, showing off the new form and developed head. Harudomerugu are extremely intelligent Elder Dragons, and this Zenith form has mastered new ways of manipulating large amounts of mercury. The metal around the head forms a helmet for the dragon

3 10

The official wallpaper for Monster Hunter Frontier Z Zenith, featuring the new flagship monster, Bogabadorumu (ボガバドルム).

26 144

Official render for the Heavenly Crystal Dragon, Eo Garudia, a new monster coming to Monster Hunter Explore.

44 161

"Just an ordinary lancer" By ファントムⅨロウ


105 265

Glad that the Endemic Life idea was added in World, it's nice having all the different wildlife around to make the areas feel more alive, and of course having them as pets.


20 88

Official render for the MHFrontier version of the Thousand Blade Wyvern, Seregios.

6 86