

A place for my artwork.

フォロー数:13 フォロワー数:72

One day, I'll learn to post consistently. Someday. Anyway, here's some old art I almost forgot about.

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She's a work-in-progress, but i def want to develop her more!

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This is one of my lion dog characters named Jill, wearing a party outfit lol. (This is meant to be more of a chibi form) Her species originate from my world's version of China and they're all super muscle peeps. They grow to be the size of mountains!

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Day 27 - 🍳🐕

We need more dog girls around.

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Day 21 - 🎃🌧️

🎵Pumpkin rain, pumpkin rain~!🎵

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Day 19 - 🐥🧀

These prompts, man...anyway, good opportunity to draw some fanart for an OC from . Chicken hats make great emergency costumes.

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Day 07 - 🎊🏰

This was finished yesterday, so I'm still on schedule! 's squiddo Nickle, showing off her formal party dress! Free confetti included!

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Day 05 - 🐺🌸

Camille donning a studio-approved wolf outfit.

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Day 03 - 🎪🌟

Also known as the day I vainly attempt to prove (to myself) that I can draw men. This here is Masque donning the star-filled clown costume he foolishly trusted his friends to pick out.

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Day 01 - 🛁🍓

I've decided to do OC-tober this year, using the emoji prompt list from as costume inspirations. This is 's Daisy as a strawberry mermaid!

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