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Mini Comic bien loquillo que hice de mi oc de Welcome Home xd
Crazy Mini Comic that I made of my oc from Welcome Home xd
#WelcomeHome #welcomehomeoc
Dibuje a Brendon, como lo quiero💼💕
I drew Brendon, how I want him💼💕
#Dhmis #DhmisBrendon #DhmisFanart
Me cree otro osito porque si? xd, se llama Almendra, este es su diseño, y es amigo de Achuchones
Believe me another bear why yes? xd, his name is Almond, this is his design, and he is a friend of Achuchones
#UnicornWars #UnicornWarsoc #UnicornWarsfc
Dibujito que hice para @Mint_0978 de dos de sus personajes
Drawing I did for @Mint_0978 of two of his characters
Al fin arreglaron la pc, aqui dejo el dibujo que habia hecho para San Valentin pero no lo pude publicar, son mis ocs, Daniel y Jonnet
They finally fixed the pc, here I leave the drawing I had made for Valentine's Day but I couldn't publish it, they are my ocs, Daniel and Jonnet
2 dibujos que hice de mi arañita Luna, la 1ra es con su Pijama y el 2do es solo porque me quise unir al meme xd
2 drawings I made of my little spider Luna, the 1st is with her Pajamas and the 2nd is just because I wanted to join the meme xd
💙☕️Perdonen mi inactividad, aqui les dejo un dibujo de Mugman, mi personaje fav de Cuphead☕️💙
💙☕️Sorry for my inactivity, here is a drawing of Mugman, my favorite character from Cuphead☕️💙
#Cuphead #CupheadMugman #Mugman