Laura McGregor🕶️さんのプロフィール画像

Laura McGregor🕶️さんのイラストまとめ

All you need to know is what I look like walking away.

フォロー数:42 フォロワー数:102



if you're mulling over one day doing a "#Digimon Savers characters Biomerged" video, might I offer and his MasterGarurumon for Satsuma and Kudamon? 😁
(artwork is by techan on dA, btw)

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So now I have to add poor Fidough to the list of “DO NOT EAT” Pokémon…Sigh. Better make sure my reasoning bat is good and solid.

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another "draw this again" update.

...Yeah, somebody's gonna die and I can't feel sorry for them. 🙃

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Furthered by the fact Juri and Leomon are Blue cards in the CCG, so this is completely doable with a Juri-themed deck.

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Wait, is trending??? I'd better take advantage of this to force Satsuma on you! (you'll thank me later)

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Hyperfixation’s a _bitch_. 🙃 Get me off this wild ride.
Featuring my SI from ‘ Zone Works circa-#Digimon Tamers doing a familiar toon skit.

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Okay but...AU where almost everything's the same, but for some reason these five losers form an idol unit afterwards.
20. YEARS.

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Don't worry though: there /is/ a legit sequel to this meme and it's as wholesome as you expect! (But don't let anybody know, this'll kill his intimidating persona!😂)

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I'm riding this AU until the wheels fall off. Then I'm putting new wheels on.

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