

20^/ Flex Laner / Monster-champ enjoyer + Talon lover / Yu-Gi-Oh maniac /

The Blowjob Bros: (icon by) @duyungbingsu & @KarpusHeracles

フォロー数:255 フォロワー数:333

Drawing and doodle I made while on call with as we talked about a lot of random things. Talking to people really makes work go by so fast.

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More OC doodles
Redrawing and redesigning some older characters
ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ

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DesuParado school pictures o3o) and .... an egg?

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Trying out a new chibi style
I kinda like it

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Since I'm here I'll dump some of my doodles that I've done over the past year. If I've posted them before then forgive me my memory is really bad.💦

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So I've been doing ... things 😳

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School started again and I'm dry of ideas and will to draw.
Hopefully I can get my mood back soon but for now have a PostEgg

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