

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:32

This week I hardly did any pixel art, so I drew something quick today :) hope y’all like it

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Its dump time. Here Some more old shit!

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Some more old stuff I might redo when I get to it.

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Its kinda funny when comparing my current pixel art to the first one I did since working on the game. I feel like there is noticeable improvement and I am mor comfortable doing it too ☺️ kinda proud actually.

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Its been a while since I posted some of the game I am working on. here some of my stuff I did within the last week for

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So finally finished May and Blaziken

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Currently working on a GB game based on the last DnD game I was a part of.

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The funny thing is, I had this one doen a few months ago. Its just a quick thing but still.

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I finally finished the poster for I have been working on feels like forever now 🥹
now onto finding stuff to nitpick about it for the next few weeks.

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