

~ Dragonlover and artist
~ so damn tired of the A/I generators

🐉pfp by xErizeax on DA ❤️

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Ich zeichne zur Zeit leider viel zu wenig an größeren Projekten, viele kleine Sketches, aber hier ein paar Sachen mit denen ich recht happy geworden bin von diesem und vor allem letzten Jahr :D

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Sketched a griffin to relax, that I really like :)
A mix of a panther and a harpy eagle. The pattern did turn out better than expected, I am quite happy with it

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Day two with beech. I saw a picture of their nuts and they look very fancy. And I saw them as a head, so here it is! Also the pictures were very stressful, cause I had only four hours of time, I wish I would have had more lol

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It is Pridemonth and maybe I am a little bit late to the party, but I had a lot of fun drawing these. They are RP-Characters of mine. One day, I was in the mood to draw something easy and simple. And it was a great idea, I really like how they turned out at the end

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Happy Valentinesday! I made one last year and I think I will make it a tradition! I really dislike last years one and wanted to make something more pretty. And well, I kinda like this one! I really like the Kobraneck...thingy. I will include that more in the future, it´s so fancy

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A true beauty of the night. She is a shadowdragon and finally something that brouhgt me a better and a closer concept for my shadowdragons in general! And I finally broke a barrier in my head, of limiting myself too much on real things.

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My last drawing for this year. I tried drawing in greyscale and it´s interesting! I definetly have to work more on texture next year, but I think I like it.
Also I want to fancy up Rama´s design a bit

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Shadowdragon with a lot of fancy scales. Well, some sort of fancy. They have thorns/little spikes under them.
I think about calling him "Eclipse", it would fit pretty nice, but I will decide that in the future :3

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A little drawing of one of my and a friends warriors characters. It´s my mentor Icefeather and her apprentice Sandpaw coming from the hunt :3
I am slowly getting better with drawing cats I think xD

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I drew a fusion between a doe and a fox. And I love it. It is my personal baby now and you can say nothing against it. I also tried fancy colours like purple, maybe I´ll ad them to. I had this idea in my mind for far to long, only scribbled it. And now it´s done :3

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