

I love sketching, painting, cats, classic horror & most things French

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I went with USk Cambridge a few weeks ago but sadly we were told we only had one hour and I only managed this sketch. Can’t wait to go back when it’s not so busy. There’s so much to take in!

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Enjoying my hardback watercolour sketchbook by L’oeil mellow. Unlike the Strathmore, the paper in this one is white and doesn’t randomly repel the paint, which is, you know, quite helpful.

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Trying a thick-over-thin technique with these jelly gouache paints.

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Very cool late birthday pressie!

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Couple of quickie watercolour sketches of Zahra and Morgan from

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Catch-up with sketching buddy and a coffee on a cold day

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“Defaced! Money, Conflict, Protest” at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge had some unexpected highlights.

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Thanks for the nudge to head out to Ely apple & Harvest Fayre. Amazing late lunch of South African bunny chow chicken curry after sketching

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I don’t usually do portraits of well-known faces, but my watercolours decided we were painting Jane B. today and who was I to argue?

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Gods it’s hot. Spent an hour sketching in the gardens of The Old Fire Engine House in the lovely company if and my daughter. As usual I whinged about hating my sketch, but it doesn’t look so bad now. I think my eyeballs were just melting at the time.

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