

tormented freak, internet jester, archon of the bug girl agenda. Models are self-made.
💚 Fan tag is #JunipArt
[email protected]

フォロー数:2435 フォロワー数:220748

had a vivid stress dream where this thing killed me in like 4 different ways (i respawned though so it was ok just scary as fuck)

60 1530

why she lookin like that

2094 22393

>i just need more sleep
>i just need more sleep
>i just need more sleep
>i just need more sleep
>i just need more sleep

299 4728

good evening joomfies

231 4210

if you act like a dog and yelp like a dog, you're probably just a fucking dog

727 7865

giftshop lollipop

672 6359

i want to see MY FRIENDS AGAIN

31 1582