

Sometime Artist.

フォロー数:820 フォロワー数:150

Yeah! Might take me a little while but it should look pretty good once it's done.

0 1

Sometimes you're just an angry puffball.

1 16

The longstanding relationship between bunnies and eggs remains a mystery to foxes. Happy Easter!

6 25

Are people still doing these? My OC Brian in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

1 4

Did a little more work on this guy. Going to finish up the bed and then see how it prints!

1 12

My brother wanted a rock elemental/golem mini for this tabletop game we play so I gave it a shot. Ignore the placeholder cone feet.

0 15

It's 2:30 AM, I'm drunk and fucking starving. Rum compelled me to draw 80s.

1 11

Merry Christmas! Gonna be busy with family so I thought I'd draw something tonight.

0 13