

フォロー数:442 フォロワー数:104

Time for me to post some more sprite portraits I did. Some are quite rough but I think I'm improving! Enjoy the quartet of 2B, Alena, Gilgamesh and Riesz!

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I think I'm doing ok with learning to sprite faces and stuff. It's fun practice.
Anyways, have some Y'shtola and Ryu.

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Screw it. Postin' Ryu III alt colors. =v

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Wasn't happy with my old Ryu III sprite, so I decided to redo it and I'm much happier with the results. Even included the old version so people can see the difference.

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And alternate palettes for Deis because why not?

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Well, I really only have the few like Creia here.

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procrastinated on xx
But I made a quick and dirty edit of Nina II as a student, possibly for Magic School.

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There she is. Best girl.

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something I did for Since there's a TEPPEN theme and Mega Man X & Breath of Fire III are part of the newest card pack, why not do Ryu III in Mega Man X style from the SNES games?

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