

フォロー数:836 フォロワー数:1235

I’ll give this a shot!

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I’ll throw my derg self in here. Thank you again for doing this! <3

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I have way too many characters. Might be a thread or two!

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Too many good ones so i'll link these! I love the red monster character Raz. So round and wearing all those fitting clothes!
Your Professor exudes such big energy (adorable too)
Love the couch fats (and stretchy clothes!)
I love the blobscape touch, so much fat everywhere!

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Love the stretched out suit, the size~ And Alto is adorable as a dancer. <3 And anything with sci-fi Hippo in a stretched out space suit is niiiice~

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Congratulations! <3 Your work is awesome~

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The stretchy and fitting clothes are a major plus. That and the massive sizes that come along with it~ <3 I really hope to see more of this stuff because you do it fantastically.

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The spamming continues (probably too much spam though), this is gonna be the last batch of pics~

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