

18+ only.
He/him They/them.
Asexual/ Bi.
Bunni boy with a dog brain.
I don't know why I'm here.

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:486

I'm alot happier now but still sometimes I don't feel like myself, I want the comfort of a summer thunder storm and just be in the rain

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Mines worse I get 2.1 download max

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Pretty soon I might be looking for a VRC modeller to finally have biwa made so if any of y'all got recommendations let me know

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my OC Biwa with the big fluffy tail uwu

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Very cute artwork and a joy to work with, highly recommend I mean just look at this!

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I love you honey and I'll always be by your side, my love ❤️

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commissioned a piece from for me and my boyfriend, LOOK AT HOW CUTE! well worth it for such an adorable piece. Very much recommend! Great artist!

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Just leaving my darling this little message to let him know how much he is loved and appreciated, you sweet adorable dork you. I'm always so proud and happy to be with you. ❤️

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