

Former twitter hosting for "October's Run", a Girls' Frontline fan-comic.

Do not follow: this account is inactive.

Go here instead: @CielHunterNorwd

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“What’s past is past. I cannot redo it nor go back to it. I have escaped from that scene and still continue to live.---”

Just a silly little thing for Shirou Day, as always.

13 65

I would swap the tie in, too, but it feels a bit too film noir. Also I think the pink ribbon works better for contrast and keeping some color.

1 5

It's not a duster, but...

Experimenting with giving Ramius a new coat.

1 31

Just a regular reminder that these two

have the same Japanese VA.

11 78

Griffin Gakuen Festival entry!


Why Ramius should never make the festival arrangements.

9 90

Destroyer goes a bit too far for payback. Bonks incoming.

-An omake in exchange for the normal comic post on Monday.-

15 73