

Dork Dog | 30s | ❤️'s @JuniIsABear, Gaming (Smash Bros, FFXIV), Traveling ✈️, & Coffee ☕ | INFP | Probably on bsky

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:12670
# ffxiv

Yep, definitely crying. Owwwwww!

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Got through P5-P6S and very good prog on P7S so far! Expecting to clear that and move onto P8S later tonight!

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Getting lunch with co-workers that are local to the area for the first time today

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Soooooo many knowledge transfer meetings that I have scheduled at work before I leave next week.

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Got a verbal offer today!! Just gotta wait for the written one and then we're good to move forward!

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Interview with hiring manager went well!

Now I have to prepare to do a 35-45 minute presentation to a panel of people on the team. This is like a homework assignment or something.

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