

Draws, creates cartoons, occasionally animates, loves Disney (except for the remakes), hopes to make it big with my creations, HATES NFTs!

フォロー数:701 フォロワー数:1810

Rachel, a character that hasn't drawn since she was first created.
The feet weren't drawn in the reference image, so I improvised on this part myself.

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An old character by Maverick3006 that he hasn't drawn in a long time. Her name is Cherry.
Her skin was plain white, so I just gave her a light tan.

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An old forgotten OC of . I couldn't see his shell well, so I improvised.
Also, yeah, he's kinda making a Super Mario-ish pose.

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Submitted by DA user MillardNecromancer. Tyranna, a character he's forgotten about.
From the "hair", I assume it's an Inkling, but by the looks of the rest of her features... eh, I don't really know what she is. But she was pretty interesting to draw.

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The old design of Naomi, a character by .

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Suggested by DA user DalekGladosCipher. He originally suggested two old character designs, but one of them still looked the same as his current incarnation. The other one, though, did look different enough. And so, here he is. Lewis, the jock.

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's character, Natstir, in her original design.

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Characters by user 
featuring an old character she no longer draws, DEC-WAN, and an old version of her current character, George Honqui.

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's characters, Parum and Florea (at least their older designs).
If and when he ever comes back to Twitter, hope he has a look at them.

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A character of DA user Superacl that he hasn't drawn in a long time.

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