🦋 amira~ 💕🌺さんのプロフィール画像

🦋 amira~ 💕🌺さんのイラストまとめ

watch nobody's boy: remi 👍

(20, nsfw sometimes)

(pfp - roux louka, zz gundam by @ta_02k | banner - devilman: the birth)

(priv @JackpotTwilight)

フォロー数:296 フォロワー数:322

it's so funny to me how directly petrine fire emblem rips off cima gundam, just amazing

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these two are amazing, pokemon fully adopting the digimon philosophy of just making something awesome (but using megaman battle network ass designs to do it)

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character design peaked here

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Trails to Azure (Addendum)


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Clearly, you've found an 'Air Fryer' in your possession. Well done, my friend! I was thinking about buying one myself, but Jessica told me that it was "lame".

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