

I hate mayonnaise… Argghh

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If anyone knows any quiet spots to read in London, let us know.

I tried reading Lovecraft in St Dunstan East Gardens today, and despite it looking gorgeous - it was not as quiet as I'd like it to be 😖

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I'm having a zombie day. Every time I wake up from multiple 10 hour over night shifts in a row, I get some days off

On the first day off, I permit myself to lumber around like an exhausted zombie... because that is what I have become...


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Run and hide from absolutely everything in life and hide in a corner somewhere - everything will be fine (2)

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I just discovered fallout 4 is free on the PS5 with my PlayStation plus

Was gonna either play 3, 76 or new Vegas first but like…


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This on the other hand...

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He does not look like this:

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