

I like Yuyuko, coding, retro games and boba tea. Won't shut up about Pokémon and FFXIV. Local Ainya/Shikaco oshi.
She/her but idc really.


フォロー数:579 フォロワー数:90

Touhou Koumakyou ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (August 2002, PC)

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Leo Kliesen aus Tekken fällt mir da sofort ein.
Wird zwar viel diskutiert ob Leo jetzt Mann, Frau oder evtl doch transgender is (gibt für alles Hints), jedoch ist Leo vor allem in JP super androgyn.
Um den Game Director zu zitieren, "Das Geschlecht ist doch egal, Leo ist Leo."

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LRT this might be the most lewdest thing I'll ever retweet but I'm not sorry

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I mean I'm not even that much into hololive but PekoraKurumi is very nice

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What if Kanata was Jesus all along?
(also good morning)

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Now that Lost Word EN is coming, expect me to tweet about touhou and this game ad nauseam.
No I'm not sorry

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Tonight I found out that these two girls are voiced by the same person and I lost my goddamn mind

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tfw you're half asleep and tapping brainlessly through the story and suddenly it's playing Night of Nights

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