Jason K Jonesさんのプロフィール画像

Jason K Jonesさんのイラストまとめ

Amateur artist. X-Men fan. Perpetually grumpy that I am bad at social media. Pronouns: he/him
Mastodon: mastodon.art/@jasonkjones

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:90

A couple panels from this issue while I'm writing up my thoughts about it. Moira is way more traumatized by her experiences than I think anyone who knows she's still alive realizes.

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Panels from House of X The celebration is great, and I adore talking head sequences, particularly when they're done in 9 panel grids. I'm a weirdo, I know.

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Anyway, that's my rant for the day. I need to go draw some stuff.

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I appreciate that his scene boils down to "I already figured out being an aloof separatist was the way to get respect. Leave me alone."

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"Oh shit, we didn't think of that."
More seriously, I love the color inversion of Xavier and Magneto's costumes right down to their faces being obscured by the opposite of their designs' dominant color.

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That's a feeling. Also, I am way more down with Emma being angry about Genosha than anyone else seeing as she was at ground zero and saw everything firsthand. That trauma belongs to her in a way that no one else can claim.

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I wanna talk for a minute about this panel right here and the implications of what Xavier is doing.

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Not gonna livetweet this one, but I am gonna go ahead and read it. Will try to fit in thoughts around work over the next few days.

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