Jason K Jonesさんのプロフィール画像

Jason K Jonesさんのイラストまとめ

Amateur artist. X-Men fan. Perpetually grumpy that I am bad at social media. Pronouns: he/him
Mastodon: mastodon.art/@jasonkjones

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:90

Admit it, that's a good battle cry.

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Aw, it wasn't Jono after all! Oh well, it was a pretty good impersonation.

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Two very different writers, but I realized that Karolina Dean and Zoe Zimmerman (post-self actualization) are essentially the same character.

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I can only hope to drop sick burns like this twelve-year-old someday.

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TMNT is a very silly series sometimes.

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So... It's just the stage version but with CGI instead of elaborate practical costumes, right? Kinda a weird choice, but whatevs.

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TFW you wrote a six paragraph email that amounted to "Objectivity is a mug's game."

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Panels from Batman by Tom King and Clay Mann. A buddy wrote up another guest post for my blog, and I really want to read this run of Batman now.

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I have to say that I really appreciate the compression of action sequences in this arc. It's great to see that Cass gets to be a badass in a battle, but one explosion is enough to convey that. Need to save space for feelings (so many feelings).

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Lucifer's wink is very reassuring. Having read and the historical specials, I'm not sure Lucifer being reassuring is a good thing. Still a happy moment for Laura.

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