

She & they pronouns OK | ♋ | Video games, anime and manga are my hobbies | Latin major | WIP zone | General Catastrophe

フォロー数:366 フォロワー数:1033

one day... i will work on this again and finish it

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Redid just about everything though I did use the previous one as a base at like 30% opacity
Got this far in 2.5 hours. I'm just trying to be more efficient man...

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Gave myself 60 minutes

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gradient maps are fun

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slapped a gradient map on a grayscale

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somehow it's 2:30 in the morning and this still sucks lmao

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Making my ocs in picrews as a form of self care

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In general, I do feel like scaling friendliness based on what you know others think of you, or how much you lift others up is not that good of a choice, but that's on the test makers. Humor's way too high anyhoo, just like last time

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