KasuGMond | COMMS OPENさんのプロフィール画像

KasuGMond | COMMS OPENさんのイラストまとめ

Me chame de Kasu. Sou um artista/escritor em desenvolvimento.
Sonho em publicar minha futura HQ: Team Metal. Eu também sou o cara lá do BuxaVerso. (ENG/PT-BR).

フォロー数:468 フォロワー数:446

A drawing that was pending since last year... finally decided to finish it

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I made this character in the beginning of last year, i didn't make a special post because i thought her design wasn't so good, she still doesn't have a name...

So if you have any criticism or a suggestion of what I can change in her, let me know.

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I was commissioned by
It's him and his boyfriend (groom) in the clothes of that Mestre Ensinador guy.

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