

A wolf that likes #NSFW #PEV (personal electric vehicles) #drawing #music #sappy #food AD: @GunnarDoberwolf

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:10363

This is an older piece I did that I’m still mostly proud of despite its age. It was kind of an early experimentation on some techniques that I brought into following pieces.

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How fucking naive I was.

I thought I’d sit down and watch this random sled dog movie called “Togo,” thinking I’d enjoy it okay, smile, and move on.

Of COURSE it makes me bawl my eyes out in the last 15mins. But in an unexpected way.

It wasn’t perfect, but it was above good.

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“Peach Sweet Tea” and “Extra Honey”

Feargus relaxes on the couch after taking a trip into town, while Dale stirs up an ice cold batch of peach sweet tea with extra honey.

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Not new but with the recent heat, these pieces from my project feel very appropriate.

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If he looked like bubble bobble, I would be happy cause I love Bubble Bobble.

But he doesn’t.

He has no scales, he has too tiny arms w/ no claws, and his face looks like he would laugh like Goofy. HYUCK.

His saving grace is being a gator. So fingers crossed he evolves good!

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Of all the renditions of Venom, I think this is also the best. So that helps make it horny for me.

That specific shade of blue, his proportions, how he’s animated… all of it is the best version of Venom I’ve ever seen and it is both 1) BADASS and 2) HOT.

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Hunter Dino is not bad but the TITAN!!! Is amazing!!!!

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I’m finally starting the new Digimon Adventure (2020)! :D And the intro has me falling in love all over again! Though, the song is bad, compared to the original “Butterfly” song.

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