

Poet/Writer/Performer/Mother Collection “LIONESS” on AUDIBLE/AMAZON : All work under ©️

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ur trying
our song
on all playlists
ur sending
utell truths under-lying
love dying
me mending
I stayed
2 2regret
made future-kiss-memories
by remembering
2forget the past
ur trying
I protect my peace
that woman crying
exists somewhere
&won’t be ur last

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I 2mineral
crystallise unpoised
2coffee beaned
tiny tide turquoised
one-ness stains me 2rain anew
tethers light
2rainbow ovr dark
ether grains overarch
my core torn apart
still part of core
heart of things
alls tied

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feel deceived
no case holds
way I’m freed
as I smuggle mango
realise its hides in me
like breadfruit
in compound thriving
self satisfying
given up trying
just being
given up looking
just seeing
freeing 2carry
homeland inside
being me

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I drown invisible
b4sonar souls
water embraces stone
elemental crave mineral
fundamental displaces
pours into u
natural home
osmosis race
of pheromones
keep me alive
last in airless
gasps in
careful careless
as we deep dive

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fold into waters
audience taut as
toe tapping thirst
builds in swill
tidal wave holds
till your cracking
bold bursts
audience sway
lapping up
as souls surfs
as Miles said so
cascading in what
you don’t know

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see you broken
at edges
lack of space
on lifes ledges
race torn
I see the hustle
and in it
synergy rainbows spirit
to masterpiece
life’s puzzle
that wedges
in beats
in energy's sandstorm
frequency flushed
in flourish of future
as own art form

🎧▶️ 1/2

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in dimension
where the timeless ticks
sent2fastfix ascension
as we in a matrix
confusd by fates kicks
divide&rule politics
consume ego w/pretension readymixd
portal rips
folded time slips
in purse
aftr hates tricks&fears curse
tears meteor bursts
her universe

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past is
frcing feed
of myalgia
face Ucarved
in mango seed
I bury2swell
eclipse family tree felld
2stick me2days
2sugarNu moments
honeycomb hme
sweetLove swollen
&pollen peppered days
all is mde
in a Now
so I try2stay
in it somehow

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we songs releasing
no longer repiecing
torn skin of drums
frnds frmed
in formative yrs
speech schoolnote folded
injoke coded
twintalk in tongues
laughter tears
aftr fear yrs
as teen sages
parchment scribed w/ages
know wrds by heart
as all our songs r sung

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all in my
in fall of my heart
firefight tall flame
frm debris of us
bright pain glints
I rinse hurt dirt
in fresh start
all peppermint tea
toxin free
plannable wash ofU
meditate marks
end of flammable state
&Uthe bonfire night guy
opens lotus focus
as 3rdeye sparks

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