

Passionate painter. Golden Demon winning artist (x9). 240+ tutorials available on my Patreon:

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I love bringing artwork to life, that’s why I’ve started working on a model representation of this fantastic classic piece of art showing Space Wolf Swiftclaws in a forest.

Hope you like it!

2 83

Sorry to be boring but I’ve finished painting the eyes on this gentleman and I wanted to share the final effect with you all.

Hope you like it.


18 266

The art vs the miniature.

Darkoath Chieftain, painted him in 2 days.

7 143

I always really liked this character on the iconic John Blanche artwork so I tried to make a mini that could represent it.

Hope you like it.

64 817

My attempt at creating a Warhammer 40,000 3rd edition cover art style base for my Black Templars army.

20 577

I really want to do a Inquisition diorama. And so I will.

5 167

Sooo... as I’m still on the nostalgia trip: what chapter next? I’m thinking Blood Angels.

2 54

Thank you . This is the best thing ever. Yessssssssss.

7 97