

I make pixelart and games, I like drawing nature, food and ghosts
ドット絵と ゲームを作く
☕️support my work: ko-fi.com/maruki

フォロー数:391 フォロワー数:21421


200 1024

the ghosts judge you as you take another slice of pixel art pizza pie

69 525

pixel art breakfast time

205 1265

more snippets of that pattern I'm making

15 135

Hi everyone,

I just posted a heartfelt 2022 recap. I talk about my recent struggles, but I also make sure to highlight some successes and express my gratitude to everyone (you!!).

Please give it a read:


Happy New Year!

1 16

these are the studies I made this year

23 159

and these are some of the wips that were left behind

0 37