ASTRO MES 🏳️‍🌈🔻さんのプロフィール画像

ASTRO MES 🏳️‍🌈🔻さんのイラストまとめ

*BISEXUAL* Irish-American nightmare person; actor, writer, drawer, Trouble keeps you running faster...

フォロー数:747 フォロワー数:697

Y'know, I used to be someone who dogged on Kingdom Hearts for having a complicated story and thought of it as a "muh weird Japanese RPG" for the longest time

now that I've beaten Kingdom Hearts 2 and everything up to it?

It ranks high as one of my favorite Action game series.

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anyways I'm back from work, how y'all been

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this man's thumbnails have never taken an L, have they?

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I honestly love how it harkens back to her ZX Spectrum game, that's probably why her features look a lot more simplistic

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

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Thank you for waiting! My spoiler-full No More Heroes 3 review is here. Enjoy!

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Sin & Punishment did a lot of sacrifices to its models to keep a steady frame rate during the action, but in turn, gave birth to an unconventionally dope artstyle that reflects it's concepts to a T

I'd say the N64's limits helped it to stand out amongst other 5-gen titles

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absolutely love when game sequels repurpose a previous games tracks in a new context

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examples of this on the actual boxes:

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