Mimi Nablin 👑🎀 | 🎨Commissions Open (2/4)🎨さんのプロフィール画像

Mimi Nablin 👑🎀 | 🎨Commissions Open (2/4)🎨さんのイラストまとめ

Witch Goblin Girl VTuber🎃 || (She/Her) 🏳️‍⚧️🔞
Model & Mostly Everything by me (DIY) || ❄ Winter in my heart...
ADHD&Autism || miminablin.carrd.co

フォロー数:860 フォロワー数:512

Mimi Nablin, Witch of Dream.
I use Black/Summon/Elemental Magic, Magic in all its form.
I grow my own plants & stuff to brew potions & tea.
I am proficient in shiny rocks & magic items which is useful to create my own Magic Staves.
I am good at sewing & creating things magically.

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I mean... I am a Witch of many disguise.
I got too thicc for the 5th one (christmas outfit).

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I got two good eggs on the front, two big juicy eggs on the back, and one Big Egg for a head.

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✨you and the pokemon that starts with the first letter of your name!✨

Mimi(Minerva) & Mismagius https://t.co/TNMCZuQdmN

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A Dream Witch's Chest, still untouched...
Nothing compared to what my new form is packing, but still in the making~💚

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It's "Mimi".
Yes, I like black, trying to wear more pink and other colors these past years.
Still waiting to get a damn skirt...

Also, the human taking care of Oozey is a hecking cutie... 👉👈

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Also here have some "Mimi's Creator" version.
Would that be counted as "immersion break" ?
Actual Mimi is kinda based on "me" anyway.

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