

Hello :D I'm 2D animator. Doing Spine animation and such :D

a weakest MUV-LUV fan :3


I tweet what ever I want here from time to time xD

フォロー数:931 フォロワー数:1309

I recommend it,

my short review down below xD

0 1

Alright I just enter the man mode and buy this game. Lot of people recommend it to me for ages. After I finish Akiba's Trip, I just realize I should listen to those recommend... xD

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A new move for our Guitar Hero with SLG200S xD

24 91

Art train choo choooo

Lot of doodle xD

yooo you can upload your old art from last year here :DDD (昨年の古いアートをここにアップロードできます) <<< (これは理にかなっていますか? xD)

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Bocchi learning an ancient technique call Power Stance

20 84

Kita chan with a proper POWER STANCE!

2 4