Old Badger-brockさんのプロフィール画像

Old Badger-brockさんのイラストまとめ

Playing on LOTRO's Landroval server since April 2007

フォロー数:19 フォロワー数:450

Piper and Bingo are ready for their Rohan adventure.

0 13

It's been a decision long in the making, but it's finally been made. goat mounts are no longer goats, henceforth I shall call them...


(They've never especially ever resembled goats. For starters, goats do not have curled horns, sheep do.🤪)

2 12

When life has you bogged down, look up. You just might see a rainbow.🌈

(Also, beware the Biting Gnats! 🪰)

1 17

Quite a storm in the Wold!🌩️#LOTRO

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Baying at the moon? Is this the queen of the Wolf Spiders?

4 9

Moonlight filtered by clouds shines upon the rolling hills of Enedwaith.

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This is my approach to

Slow and steady wins the race! 🏁🐢🐇

2 9

If Bingo Boffin asks, "Would you like to smell my flower?" Don't fall for it, it's a trick!

1 12

It could be worse, it could be Beren's hand!🤣Seriously, it's just a creepy name for wine.

Also, I believe it is named for the Steward Beren rather than the character from 'The Silmarillion'. Steward Beren is the one who gave the keys of Orthanc to Saruman.

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"And Aragorn the King Elessar wedded Arwen Undómiel in the City of the Kings upon the day of Midsummer, and the tale of their long waiting and labours was come to fulfilment." JRRT, 'The Return of the King'

(Painting: "The Wedding of the King" by the Brothers Hildebrandt)

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