Old Badger-brockさんのプロフィール画像

Old Badger-brockさんのイラストまとめ

Playing on LOTRO's Landroval server since April 2007

フォロー数:19 フォロワー数:450

It could've been worse: an anvil might've dropped on his head! 🤣

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I knew that the names of several of Tolkien's dwarves (and Gandalf) came from the Edda, but I did not know that Disney's dwarves, or at least one of them, did, too! 😄

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Don't go chasing polar bears
In the great unknown
Some big friendly polar bear
Might want to take you home

Paul McCartney's "Waterfalls" https://t.co/Xf0omtu9fy

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Bravo! Her art is truly worth supporting.

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In the '70s I received the Brothers Hildebrandt calendars at Christmas for the coming year. Unfortunately, I no longer have them. However, I have two lithographs purchased some years back. They are lovingly displayed above our hearth and in our bedroom, respectively.

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And Aragorn the King Elessar wedded Arwen Undómiel in the City of the Kings upon the day of Midsummer, and the tale of their long waiting and labours was come to fulfilment. - 'The Lord of the Rings'.

("Wedding of the King" by The Brothers Hildebrandt)

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Makes one think of Galadriel and Frodo, doesn't it?

("The Mirror of Galadriel" by Alan Lee)

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She might also dabble in dog training.😉

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I love her work! My favorite is "The Years of Youth". The fact that it has horses probably has a lot to do with it. 😁

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