

| Cheap Advice from A Dragon... |

Sarah | They/She | 23 | 1999 |

フォロー数:293 フォロワー数:49

Keep seeing these expose yourself so:
- your lockscreen
- your homescreen
- the last song you listened to
- the 12th picture in your camera roll

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working on something related [ish]
or when ur designing Angelic forms for the characters then u make a joke ship... tht evolves into ur OTP. Rare pair? psh move aside

[2 best people who helped & encouraged this silly idea/joke ship u heathens💞]

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I tried making a quick loose sketch of and from might fully complete it later [i still havent got the hand of Az's face]

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version 3 no effects

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Version 2 transparent back ground

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That's terrible chloe, theirs not much i can say that hasn't been said but we're here if u need us 💗

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hmm, very good, very accurate.

I raise u this.

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i know we have beard jack and bald jack but have we discussed no eyebrow jack,
yknow cannon jack [literally i dunno if we have]

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