Ω Quentin Quire Central Ωさんのプロフィール画像

Ω Quentin Quire Central Ωさんのイラストまとめ

The one spot for news, art, and observations about Marvel's mutant master of mayhem, Quentin Quire (aka Kid Omega)! He/Him

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I’ve finally gotten around to reading the Iceman Infinity Comic on Marvel Unlimited, and I spy a tiny Quentin…

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In the recently released “Marvel Meow” Infinity Comic, we see Quentin sharing a panel with his son, Jeff the Land Shark, for the first time since Gwenpool Strikes Back!

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for X-Men Unlimited: X-Men: Green. Quentin makes a small cameo. While I’ve personally been frustrated with the way this story has treated Nature Girl, it is nice to see a more empathetic Quentin and a callback to them both being in Generation X.

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Aw man, I’m missing them right now.

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Like, these are all of the lines Leah has written for Quentin, and he seems to show more empathy and understanding in that last panel than he has elsewhere. But he’s also juuuust enough of an arrogant ass to be the character we know and love.

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Wolverine is on sale today, and Quentin is part of Logan's plan to take out the Pale Lady. Of course, it takes a bit of persuasion and all five Stepford Cuckoos to wrangle him in. What's got the 5-in-1 crazy for Quire? Pick this issue up to find out!

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Me on the first day of March vs me on the last day of March:

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A new variant of X-Men/Fantastic Four (from and ) has been revealed, and it features Quentin Quire trying to punch the Thing (a man made of freakin' rocks) in the face with his bare fist.

Don't ever change, my pink-haired idiot son.

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