

Artist | She/Her | Español/English | IdentityV, Sky:Cotl, Genshin Impact... | Soft gore | TLOZ 💚
NSFW: @rinku_nsfw

フォロー数:206 フォロワー数:191

Tipica matadita del salon que se estresaba por un 8, hacia locuras con mi cabello sin temor a quedar calva y apenas aprendiendo a dibujar en digital...


0 7

My humble birthday present to
Happy Birthday and get more years please!!

7 19



Art train! 🚂🎨
I am under threat so I will show you some of the works that I liked the most this past year
(○` 3′○)

I pass the curse to: and


2 11

My boyfriend asked me to draw a little Kobeni, the drawing was funny so I thought I'd pass it here...

27 86

My part of a little collab. A version of my avatar in an apocalyptic future ヾ(•ω•`)o

4 17